Temple of Philae in Aswan

Temple of Philae in Aswan

The Temple of Philae is an ancient temple located in southern Egypt near the city of Aswan, and is one of the most famous Pharaonic temples in Egypt. The construction of the temple dates back to the 12th Dynasty during the reign of King Senusret I, and it was later expanded during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods.
The temple was originally located on the island of Philae, which was submerged during the construction of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960s. The temple was dismantled and reconstructed on the nearby island of Agilkia, where it can be visited today.
The Temple of Philae is dedicated to the goddess Isis, who was worshipped as the mother goddess and the protector of women, children, and the dead. The temple complex includes several buildings, such as the Temple of Isis, the Temple of Hathor, the Temple of Imhotep, and a Kiosk.
The Temple of Isis is the main temple in the complex and is known for its impressive architecture and intricate carvings. The temple is surrounded by a courtyard and features a hypostyle hall with 12 columns, each of which is adorned with elaborate carvings and hieroglyphs. The walls of the temple are also covered in carvings and reliefs depicting scenes from Egyptian mythology.
The Temple of Hathor is located to the north of the Temple of Isis and is dedicated to the goddess Hathor, who was worshipped as the goddess of love, music, and joy. The temple features a large hall with 14 columns, each of which is decorated with carvings of the goddess.
The Temple of Imhotep is located to the south of the Temple of Isis and is dedicated to the architect and physician Imhotep, who was deified after his death. The temple is relatively small and features a single room with carvings and reliefs depicting Imhotep and scenes from his life.
The Kiosk is a small building located on the edge of the island and is known for its elegant design and intricate carvings. The Kiosk was used for religious ceremonies and is believed to have been used as a landing stage for boats.
The Temple of Philae is a testament to the great architectural and artistic achievements of the ancient Egyptians. It is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian history and culture.


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